Река в венгрии: Список рек Венгрии по порядку — полный перечень по алфавиту онлайн

Список рек Венгрии по порядку — полный перечень по алфавиту онлайн
Список рек Венгрии


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Реки Венгрии

Реки Венгрии

Реки Венгрии образовали относительно небольшую водную сеть, но при этом в некоторых регионах страны полностью отсутствуют поверхностные водостоки. Они играют важную туристическую роль, так как на них можно заняться рыбалкой, понаблюдать за перелетными и местными птицами, а также совершить прогулку на кораблике. Для удобства путешественников на их берегах построили современные отели, санатории и коттеджи.

Самые известные реки Венгрии

Многих туристов, собирающихся отдохнуть в Будапеште, интересует вопрос, на какой реке лежит столица Венгрии. Это, конечно же, Дунай, который разделяет город на 2 части. Его бассейн является главной речной сетью страны, характеризующейся довольно сильными колебаниями водоносности. По этой причине на территории государства построили более 4 тыс. км дамбовых укреплений. Засушливый климат республики привел к тому, что здесь возвели ряд больших оросительных систем.

Таким образом, реки Венгрии играют большую роль в жизни населения и экономике страны. Самыми крупными из них считаются:

  1. Тиса – эта река протекает не только по территории Венгрии, но и в Румынии, Украине, Словакии и Сербии. Она является левосторонним притоком Дуная и имеет общую протяженность в 977 км, из которых на землю республики приходится 579 км. По своей значимости Тиса занимает 2-е место в стране, образуя на некоторых участках границу с другими государствами. Половодье здесь бывает 2 раза в год: ранним летом и весной. В воде находится большое количество лессовых частиц, поэтому местные жители часто называют ее «русой» или «белокурой». На побережье находятся такие города, как Токай, Сегед, Сольнок и Домбрад. Туристы приезжают сюда, чтобы поймать трофейного карпа. К слову, пока не научились регулировать русло водоема, то оно заливало восточную часть долины Альфельд.
  2. Тиса
  3. Дунай – это главная река в Венгрии, которая по своим размерам занимает 2-е место в Европе. Она протекает по территории 10 государств, в том числе по Украине, Румынии, Германии, Австрии, Словакии и т.д., а ее общая протяженность составляет 2960 км, из них 417 км приходится на Венгрию. На севере страны Дунай пересекает холмы в глубоком, узком, с высокими берегами районе, пробивая среднегорье и образуя красивую долину. Горы имеют вулканическое происхождение и напоминают альпийские. В конце данного участка располагается Будапешт. Это типичный равнинный водоем, ширина которого варьируется от 400 до 550 м. Он является судоходным, по нему курсируют как туристические, так и грузовые суда. Половодье на нем бывает 2 раза: летом и весной, при этом в сезон таяния снегов оно довольно опасно.
  4. Дунай
  5. Горнард – протекает по территории Венгерской и Словацкой республик, а также в Словении. Его общая протяженность составляет 286 км, на Венгрию приходится 118 км, при этом по своим размерам река занимает 11-е место в стране. Она прокладывает себе путь по крупнейшему медье государства – Боршод-Абауй-Земплен и течет со скоростью 30,9 м/с. На ней размещается 4 гидроэлектростанции, а по берегам расположено несколько общественных и административных сооружений разных городов. Так, например, в Шайохидвеге на побережье стоит церковь и мэрия. Туристы приезжают сюда ради живописной природы, а местные жители – чтобы устроить пикник.
  6. Горнад
  7. Зала – это одна из самых длинных и крупных рек в Венгрии. Она протекает в юго-западной части страны и имеет протяженность 138 км. Ее скорость составляет 6 м/с, поэтому в некоторых местах появляются заболоченные участки, берега на них низкие и поросли тростником. Свое начало Зала берет в Национальном парке Эргеш, течет на восток и впадает в Балатон возле населенного пункта Кестхей. В устье она делится на множество рукавов, образующихся заповедник, который охраняется государством. На побережье находится город Залаэгерсег, знаменитый одноименным футбольным клубом, старинной ратушей и римско-католической церковью, построенной в стиле барокко в 1760 году.
  8. Зала
  9. Синва – она имеет небольшую длину и известна самым высоким в стране водопадом. Русло реки растянулось на 20 км и протекает по городу Мишкольц, где находится более 70 мостов. Их перила украшает большое количество замков, оставленных влюбленными парами в знак своей любви. Во многих кварталах берега Синвы ограждены ажурными решетками, сделанными из металла. На побережье любят отдыхать местные жители и туристы, поэтому для них возвели одноименную террасу, украшенную лестницами, памятниками и водопадом, который по ночам подсвечивается миллионами огней. В некоторых местах потоки воды уходят под землю, а через несколько километров заново появляются над землей. В 5 км от населенного пункта было создано искусственное озеро, на котором располагается знаменитый климатический курорт страны – Лиллафюред. Он окружен густым лесом и славится большим количеством форели.
  10. Синва
  11. Раба – является правым притоком Дуная и имеет протяженность в 250 км. Эта река течет не только в Венгрии, но и в Австрии. Ее самыми крупными водотоками являются: Марцаль (правый), Рабца и Пинка (левые). Раба попадает в страну после устья Лафниц, где находится населенная долина, в которой проживает около 5 тыс. человек. Затем водоем поворачивает на северо-восток и проходит по границе медье Ваш и Дьер-Мошон-Шопрон, где впадает в рукав Дуная, именуемый Мошони-Дунай. На берегу расположен крупный город Дьер.
  12. Раба
  13. Драва – это правый приток Дуная, который также протекает по территории Италии, Австрии, Словении и Хорватии. Драва является естественной границей для Венгрии и позволяет туристам попасть по ней в страну. Она является судоходной и имеет важное транспортное значение. Отдельные участки вместе с побережьем входят в состав национального парка и охраняются государством. Река впервые упоминается древнеримским писателем Плинием как Dravus, а ее название имеет иллирийское название и переводится, как «бежит, течет».
  14. Драва
  15. Кереш – крупнейший приток Тисы, протекающий по юго-восточной части страны. Он протянулся на 580 км, площадь бассейна составляет 15500 кв. км, а средний расход воды равняется 100 куб. м в сек. На его берегу находится такие города, как Чонград, Кунсентмартон, Дьомаэндред и Бекеш. Река образуется в результате слияния Кришул-Алб и Кришул-Негру, течет в западном направлении по медье Яс-Надькун-Сольнок. Вокруг нее построили множество осушительных каналов для мелиорации заболоченных мест Альфельда. Южная часть водоема входит в состав Национального парка Кереш-Марош, который привлекает туристов, желающих оздоровиться и отдохнуть.
  16. Кереш
  17. Задьва – правый приток Тисы, длина которого достигает 160 км, расход воды составляет 9 куб. м. в сек., а площадь бассейна равняется 5677 кв. км. Его исток расположен в медье Ноград возле города Шальготарьян. На побережье реки находятся такие населенные пункты, как Пасто, Ясберень и Батоньтеренье.
  18. Задьва
  19. Бодва – она берет свое начало в горах Воловсе Врхи, расположенных на территории Словакии, затем течет на юг со скоростью 5 куб. м за сек., пересекает государственную границу и попадает в Венгрию. Река является притоком Шайо, впадая в нее в районе городка Больдва. Ее протяженность составляет 64,6 км.


Реки Венгрии — это… Что такое Реки Венгрии?

  • Реки — Река Река  природный водный поток (водоток), текущий в выработанном им углублении  постоянном естественном русле и питающийся за счёт поверхностного и подземного стока с его бассейна. Реки являются предметом изучения одного из разделов гидрологии …   Википедия

  • Реки — Вода, выпадающая в виде дождя, немедленно после ее падения, а выпавшая в виде снега, крупы, града после их таяния, течет частью по поверхности почвы, частью просачивается в почву и выходит наружу в виде родников (источников, ключей). Та и другая… …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

  • РЕКИ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЕ — судоходные реки, которые пересекают несколько государств или служат границей между ними. В связи с этим режим их судоходства обычно определяется заинтересованными государствами. Свобода судоходства на Р. м. была прокламирована Венским конгрессом… …   Дипломатический словарь

  • Реки, техническое значение — В отношении задач гидротехники различают три группы Р.: 1) горные ручьи, потоки и Р., имеющие значительный уклон, быстрое, иногда стремительное, а местами бурное течение и вследствие этого влекущие крупные наносы, этими наносами русло Р. в… …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

  • География Венгрии — Координаты: 47°29′53″ с. ш. 19°02′24″ в. д. / 47.498056° с. ш. 19.04° в. д.  …   Википедия

  • Список национальных парков Венгрии — Список национальных парков Венгрии: В число главных охраняемых природных достопримечательностей Венгрии входят десять национальных парков и 35 природоохранных зон. Два из десяти национальных парков страны  Хортобадь и Аггтелек включены также …   Википедия

  • Освобождение Венгрии от фашистских захватчиков (1945) — 4 апреля 1945 года части советской армии завершили освобождение Венгрии от немецко фашистских захватчиков. В конце сентября 1944 года войска 2 го Украинского фронта под руководством маршала Советского Союза Родиона Малиновского, продолжая… …   Энциклопедия ньюсмейкеров

  • Авария на алюминиевом заводе в Венгрии — Координаты: 47°05′13″ с. ш. 17°29′58″ в. д. / 47.086944° с. ш. 17.499444° в. д.  …   Википедия

  • Автомагистрали Венгрии — …   Википедия

  • Спорт в Венгрии — одна из важнейших составляющих частей культуры Венгрии. Венгрия считается одной из самых известных спортивных стран в мире в основном благодаря легендарному поколению футболистов 1950 1960 х годов. Содержание 1 Олимпийские игры 2 Футбол …   Википедия

  • Реки Венгрии — Википедия

    Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

    Реки Венгрии образуют относительно небольшую сеть, при этом некоторые районы страны почти полностью лишены поверхностных водостоков. Вся речная сеть принадлежит бассейну Дуная, который на протяжении 140 километров течёт вдоль границы Венгрии со Словакией, а затем на протяжении 270 километров пересекает страну с севера на юг. Речная сеть характеризуется сильными колебаниями водоносности и как следствие — высоты уровня рек. Для защиты от наводнений на территории страны возведено около 4 тыс. километров дамб и дамбовых укреплений. Отмечается непостоянство наступления и стойкости ледового покрова рек. Засушливый климат вызвал необходимость строительства ряда крупных оросительных систем[1].

    Список наиболее крупных рек по протяжённости[2]

    Список наиболее протяжённых рек Венгрии.


    Реки Венгрии — Википедия

    Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

    Реки Венгрии образуют относительно небольшую сеть, при этом некоторые районы страны почти полностью лишены поверхностных водостоков. Вся речная сеть принадлежит бассейну Дуная, который на протяжении 140 километров течёт вдоль границы Венгрии со Словакией, а затем на протяжении 270 километров пересекает страну с севера на юг. Речная сеть характеризуется сильными колебаниями водоносности и как следствие — высоты уровня рек. Для защиты от наводнений на территории страны возведено около 4 тыс. километров дамб и дамбовых укреплений. Отмечается непостоянство наступления и стойкости ледового покрова рек. Засушливый климат вызвал необходимость строительства ряда крупных оросительных систем[1].

    Список наиболее крупных рек по протяжённости[2]

    Список наиболее протяжённых рек Венгрии.


    Реки Венгрии — Википедия. Что такое Реки Венгрии

    Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

    Реки Венгрии образуют относительно небольшую сеть, при этом некоторые районы страны почти полностью лишены поверхностных водостоков. Вся речная сеть принадлежит бассейну Дуная, который на протяжении 140 километров течёт вдоль границы Венгрии со Словакией, а затем на протяжении 270 километров пересекает страну с севера на юг. Речная сеть характеризуется сильными колебаниями водоносности и как следствие — высоты уровня рек. Для защиты от наводнений на территории страны возведено около 4 тыс. километров дамб и дамбовых укреплений. Отмечается непостоянство наступления и стойкости ледового покрова рек. Засушливый климат вызвал необходимость строительства ряда крупных оросительных систем[1].

    Список наиболее крупных рек по протяжённости[2]

    Список наиболее протяжённых рек Венгрии.


    Список рек Венгрии — List of rivers of Hungary

    Карта озер и рек в Карпатском бассейне

    Некоторые из рек в Венгрии включают:

    Реки по длине

    (> 100 км, только длина в Венгрии)

    1. Тиса — 597 км — 62,06% от общей длины
    2. Дунай ( Дюна ) — 417 км — 14,60% от общей длины
    3. Körös — 217,5 км
      1. тройной Кёрёш ( Hármas-Кёрёш ) — 91,3 км — 100% от общей длины
      2. двойная Кёрёш ( Kettős-Кёрёш ) — 37,3 км — 100% от общей длины
        1. Кришул Негр ( Фекет-Кёрёш ) — 20,5 км — 12,20% от общей длины
        2. Кришул Alb ( Fehér-Кёрёш ) — 9,8 км — 4,16% от общей длины
      3. Кришул Репед ( Себеш-Кёрёш ) — 58,6 км — 28,04% от общей длины
    4. Раба — 188 км — 66,43% от общей длины
    5. Задьва — 179 км — 100% от общей длины
    6. Хортобадьский-Berettyó — 167,3 км — 100% от общей длины
    7. Драва ( Dráva ) — 166,8 км — 22,27% от общей длины
    8. IPEL ( Ипель ) — 143 км — 61,51% от общей длины
    9. Zala — 126 км — 100% от общей длины
    10. Sajó — 125,1 км — 56,10% от общей длины
    11. Répce и Rábca вместе — 123,7 км
    12. Sajó — 120,8 км — 100% от общей длины
    13. Горнад ( Hernád ) — 118 км — 41,26% от общей длины
    14. Капо — 112,7 км — 100% от общей длины
    15. Тарна — 105 км — 100% от общей длины
    16. Marcal — 100,4 км — 100% от общей длины
    Бассейн реки Дунай

    (> 1000 км 2 , только площадь в Венгрии)

    Дунай ( Duna ) — 93,030 кв.км — 11,7% от общего бассейна

    • Раба —
      • Marcal — 3033 кв.км — 100% от общего бассейна
    • IPEL ( Ipoly ) — 1,518 км ² — 29,72% от общего бассейна
    • Шио — 14953 км ² — 100% от общего бассейна
      • Капо — 3170 кв.км — 100% от общего бассейна
    • Драва ( Dráva ) — 8,215.22 км ² — 19% от общего бассейна
    • Тиса — 46000 км ² — 29,27% от общего бассейна
      • Sajó — 5545 км ² — 43,63% от общего бассейна
        • Горнады ( Hernád ) — 1136 км ² — 20,90% от общего бассейна
      • Задьва — 5677 кв.км — 100% от общего бассейна
        • Тарна — 2116 кв.км — 100% от общего бассейна
      • Körös — 12,942.39 км ² — 47% от общего бассейна

    Балатоне из ( Zala реки и другие) — 5181 км ²

    Реки по среднему разряду

    (> 10 м 3 / с, этот список включает в себя не только в Венгрии)

    1. Дунай ( Дюна ) — 6855 м³ / с — в Будапеште 2350 м³ / с
    2. Тисса — 820 м³ / с
    3. Драва ( Dráva ) — 670 м³ / с
    4. Муреш ( Марос ) — 184 м³ / с
    5. Стена ( Мура ) — 166 м³ / с
    6. Бодрог — 115 м³ / с
    7. Somes ( Самош ) — 114 м³ / с
    8. Кёрёш ( Hármas-Кёрёш ) — 100 м³ / с
    9. Sajó — 60 м³ / с
    10. Шио — 39 м³ / с
    11. Горнад ( Hernád ) — 30,9 м³ / с
    12. Кришул Репед ( Себеш-Кёрёш ) — 25,4 м³ / с
    13. Раба — 18 м³ / с

    Реки по орографии

    Реки, впадающие в другие реки сортируются по близости их точек слияния к морю (чем ниже в списке, тем более вверх по течению).

    Черное море

    Реки в этом разделе сортируются на северо-запад (Австрия) на юг (Хорватия-Сербия).

    Дунай / Duna (главный филиал в Сулине , Румыния )
    Мошоните-Duna — филиал Дуная
    Leitha / Lajta (в Мошонмадьяроваре ) R
    Rábca (около Дьёра ) R
    Раба (в Дьёре ) R
    Маркал (около Gyirmót ) R
    Pinka (около Körmend ) л
    Лафниц / Lapincs (около Szentgotthárd ) л
    КОНКО (около ОКС ) R
    Altal-эр (в Dunaalmás ) R
    IPEL / Ипель (около Соб ) л
    Kiskunsági основной канал (вблизи ТАСС ) л
    Sió (в Gemenc лесу ) R
    Sárvíz (в Шиоагард ) л
    SED (в Cece ) R
    Капо (около Tolnanémeti ) R
    Шуговица (в Baja ) л
    Драва / Dráva (около Осиек , Хорватия ) R
    Стена / мура (около Леграда , Хорватия ) L
    Большой Крк / Керки (около Muraszemenye ) L
    Ледава / Ledva (около Muraszemenye ) R
    Cserta (около Kerkateskánd ) л
    Нижняя Válicka / Valicka-также (около PAKA ) л
    Тисса (около Titel , Сербия ) л
    Tur (около Szatmárcseke ) л
    Somes / Самош (около Вашарошнаменя ) л
    Crasna / Kraszna (в Вашарошнамень ) л
    Бодрог (в Токай ) R
    Roňava / Ronyva (около Sátoraljaújhely ) R
    Келетите основной канал (около Tiszalök ) л
    Sajó (около Тисайвароша ) R
    Takta (около Kesznyéten ) л
    Горнад / Hernád (около Sajóhídvég ) л
    Синва (в Мишкольц ) R
    Бодва (около Boldva ) л
    Задьва (в Сольнока ) R
    Тэрнэ (около Jászjákóhalma ) л
    Galga (около Jászfényszaru ) R
    Hármas-Кёрёш (в Csongrád ) л
    Хортобадьский-Berettyó (около Mezőtúr ) R
    Кришул Репед / Себеш-Кёрёш (около Körösladány ) R
    Barcău / Berettyó (около Сегхалом ) R
    Kettős-Кёрёш (продолжение Hármas-Кёрёш )
    Кришул Негр / Фекет-Кёрёш (около Дьюля )
    Кришул Алб / Fehér-Кёрёш (около Дьюля)
    Муреш / Марос (около Сегеда ) л
    Озеро Балатон

    Реки в этом разделе отсортированы северо-запада на юго-запад.

    Zala (около Balatonszentgyörgy )
    Валицк / Felső-Valicka (около Залаэгерсега ) R

    Алфавитный список

    Berettyó , Бодрогли , Бодва , Dráva / Драва, Hernád , Fehér-Кёрёш , Фекет-Кёрёш , Ипель , Kígyós / Плазович, Кёрёш , Кёрёш-эр , Kraszna , Lajta / Leitha, Марос , мура / Стена, Pinka , Раба / Рааб, Шайо , Себеш-Körös , SED , Шио , Шуговица , Самош , Синва , Тиса , Задьва , Zala , Válicka

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    <img src=»https://en.wikipedia.org//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:CentralAutoLogin/start?type=1×1″ alt=»» title=»»> 90000 Major Rivers Of Hungary — WorldAtlas 90001 90002 By Joyce Chepkemoi on April 25 2017 in Environment 90003 90004 The Danube river runs through the Hungarian major city of Budapest.90005 90002 Hungary is a landlocked country located in Central Europe and is bordered by Slovakia, Ukraine, Slovenia, Serbia, Romania, Austria, and Croatia. Hungary is geographically divided into three major parts which are further divided into seven smaller regions. The three regions include the Northern Hungarian Mountains and the Transdanubia which is a hilly region located West of the Danube and the Great Alföld.Hungary’s best natural resources are its fertile land with a 70% of the country being suitable for agriculture. Hungary has many rivers that provide water throughout the country. All of Hungary’s major rivers are shared with one or more neighboring countries, with the Danube being the largest. 90003 90008 Major Rivers Of Hungary 90009 90010 Danube 90011 90002 The Danube is the second longest river in Europe flowing through parts of Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine, and Romania with its drainage basin extending into nine more states and flowing into many cities which includes four national capitals.The Danube empties its water into the Black Sea. The Danube was a site for some of the earliest human cultures and its tributaries are major and significant rivers in the countries they flow through. It is the main source of drinking water to almost twenty billion people in Baden Wurttemberg in Germany. Danube River is also an excellent source of fishing, though it has decreased in recent years. Also a tourist destination full of fascinating landmarks, the Danube banks in Budapest are among Unesco World Heritage Sites.The Danube is also a great natural and tourist spot with a length of 1,777 miles. 90003 90010 Tisza 90011 90002 It is among the important rivers in Central Europe, flowing through four countries including Serbia, Romania, Ukraine and Hungary. It was once known as the Most Hungarian River since it passed entirely through the Kingdom of Hungary.The Tisza flows from Rakhiv in Ukraine before joining the Danube in Serbia. Tisza Dam was built in the 1970’s with the main purpose of help control floods, storing water instead it resulted in becoming one of the most popular tourist attractions in Hungary. It was however opened to international navigation only recently after joining the European Union. The Tisza River is also populated by a wide range of wildlife including 200 species of birds. The biggest threat to the Tisza River is pollution where a sequence of pollution incidents from industrial spillage in Romania killed a lot of fish in the early 2000’s.The Tisza River is 600 miles in length. 90003 90010 Drava 90011 90002 The Drava River is located in southern central Europe and is the fourth largest tributary of the Danube River flowing through Italy, Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia. The Drava River flows from Innichen in Italy through to the other countries and into Hungary before joining the Danube near Osijek. The Drava derives its name from the dravite species of tourmaline and has 22 hydroelectric power plants at present and is 465 miles in length.90003 90010 Raba 90011 90002 The Raba is located in Western Hungary, and Southeast Austria from its source in Austria flowing in to Hungary then joining a tributary of the Danube in the Hungarian city of Győr. During the early Cenozoic the Raba River used to flow in the opposite direction but its flow was reversed due to tectonic uplifting.The Raba River is 247 miles in length. 90003 90008 Other Major Rivers Of Hungary 90009 90002 Hungary has a total of 10 major rivers including the four mentioned above. The Danube is the longest with most of the other major rivers in Hungary joining the Danube as tributaries. Due to the Treaty of Trianon in 1920 most of the Kingdom of Hungary was lost which resulted in significant geographical changes. 90003 90008 Major Rivers Of Hungary 90009 90032 90033 90034 90035 Rank 90036 90035 Major Rivers of Hungary 90036 90035 Total Length 90036 90041 90042 90043 90034 90045 1 90046 90045 Danube 90046 90045 1,777 miles (shared with Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine, and Romania) 90046 90041 90034 90045 2 90046 90045 Tisza 90046 90045 600 miles (shared with Ukraine, Romania, Slovakia, and Serbia) 90046 90041 90034 90045 3 90046 90045 Mureş 90064 90046 90045 473 miles (shared with Romania) 90046 90041 90034 90045 4 90046 90045 Drava 90064 90046 90045 465 miles (shared with Italy, Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia) 90046 90041 90034 90045 5 90046 90045 Mura (Mur) 90046 90045 272 miles (shared with Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia) 90046 90041 90034 90045 6 90046 90045 Rába 90064 90046 90045 247 miles (shared with Austria) 90046 90041 90034 90045 7 90046 90045 Someş 90064 90046 90045 241 miles (shared with Romania) 90046 90041 90034 90045 8 90046 90045 Hornád 90064 90046 90045 178 miles (shared with Slovakia) 90046 90041 90034 90045 9 90046 90045 Crişul Alb 9006 4 90046 90045 147 miles (shared with Romania) 90046 90041 90034 90045 10 90046 90045 Ipeľ 90064 90046 90045 144 miles (shared with Slovakia) 90046 90041 90131 90132 Click to Expand .90000 Hungary River Map 90001 90002 Menu 90003 90004 90005 90006 World Map 90005 90006 World Maps 90005 90006 Political Map of the World 90011 90006 Physical Map of the World 90011 90006 Blank World Map 90011 90006 World Map for Kids 90011 90006 Earth Map 90011 90006 World Atlas 90011 90006 World Time Zones Map 90011 90006 Counties in UK 90011 90026 90011 90006 Different Languages ​​Map 90005 90006 Spanish Map 90011 90006 Deutsch Karte 90011 90006 Russian Map 90011 90006 French Map 90011 90006 Chinese Map 90011 90006 Italian Map 90011 90006 Indonesian Map 90011 90006 Mapa do Mundo 90011 90026 90011 90026 90011 90006 Continents Map 90005 90006 North America Map 90011 90006 South America Map 90011 90006 Europe Map 90011 90006 Asia Map 90011 90006 Africa Map 90011 90006 Oceania Map 90011 90006 Antarctica Map 90011 90026 90011 90006 Country Maps 90005 90006 US Map 90011 90006 Canada Map 90011 90006 United Kingdom Map 90011 90006 France Map 90011 90006 Russia Map 90011 90006 Australia Map 90011 90006 Germany Map 90011 90006 Mexico Map 90011 90006 Italy Map 90011 90006 Ireland Map 90011 90006 Syria Map 90011 90026 90011 90006 City Maps 90005 90006 Cities in North America 90011 90006 Cities in Europe 90011 90006 Cities in Australia 90011 90006 Cities in South America 90011 90006 Cities in Asia 90011 90006 Cities in Africa 90011 90026 90011 90006 Flags of the World 90005 90006 USA Flag 90011 90006 French Flag 90011 90006 Italian Flag 90011 90006 Mexican Flag 90011 90006 China Flag 90011 90006 UK Flag 90011 90006 Syria Flag 90011 90006 German Flag 90011 90006 Spain Flag 90011 90006 Canada Flag 90011 90006 Japan Flag 90011 90026 90011 90006 Thematic Maps 90005 90006 Demography Maps 90011 90006 World Top 10 90011 90006 Lat Long Maps 90011 90006 Economy Maps 90011 90006 Environment Maps 90011 90006 History Maps 90011 90006 Other Thematic Maps 90011 90026 90011 90006 Travel 90005 90006 Wonders of world 90011 90006 World Travel Destinations 90011 90006 Top 10 Beaches 90011 90006 Famous Museums in the world 90011 90006 Top National Parks 90011 90006 World air routes map 90011 90006 Been there done that 90011 90026 90011 90006 Tools 90005 90006 Driving Directions and Maps 90011 90006 World Air Distance Locator 90011 90006 Countries and Capitals 90011 90006 Airport Finder 90011 90006 Embassy Finder 90011 90006 US Area Codes 90011 90006 US Universities 90011 90006 Postal Code Finder 90011 90006 Telephone Area Codes 90011 90006 Currency Converter 90011 90006 National & Independence days 90011 90026 90011 90006 Resources 90005 90006 Flags of the World 90011 90006 Around the World 90011 90006 Current Events 90011 90006 Answers on Geography & History 90011 90006 Our World 90011 90006 Infographics 90011 90006 Videos 90011 90006 GIS Services 90011 90006 Custom Maps 90011 90006 90011 90026 90011 90026.90000 Gyor | History & Facts 90001 90002 90003 Győr 90004, German 90003 Raab 90004, historic city and seat of Győr-Moson-Sopron 90007 megye 90008 (county), northwestern Hungary. It is located on the Moson arm of the Danube, the meandering southern arm in Hungary proper, where the south bank tributaries, Rába and Rábca, converge. The Marcal River joins the Rába just south of Győr. The inner town and its environs are composed of narrow winding streets with interesting old houses in an assortment of architectural styles, interlaced with the meandering river channels.90009 90003 Győr; Rába River 90004 Győr, on the banks of the Rába River, in Hungary. 90012 Gyorgy Lajos / Interfoto MTI 90013 90002 Britannica Quiz 90009 90002 It’s All in the Name 90009 90002 What is Abyssinia now called? 90009 90002 A Roman town, Arrabona, originally succeeded a Neolithic settlement and a Celtic merchant community.Győr continued for centuries as a prosperous agricultural centre with special focus on horse breeding, viticulture, and grain production. Stephen I made it a county seat. It received municipal privileges in 1271. The Püspökvár (fortified bishop’s palace), built in the 13th century and remodeled in the 16th century, stands atop the Káptalan Hill, adjacent to an impressive cathedral (12th-17th century). Several other churches are of historical and architectural significance. The Xantus János Museum presents an interesting array of exhibits related to the city’s history, archaeology, medical history, fine and applied arts, and philately.In the 17th century Győr became a fortified stronghold against the Turks, and it was chartered as a free royal town in 1743. 90009 90002 Győr is home to Széchenyi István University of Applied Sciences and the internationally acclaimed Ballet Company of Győr, which performs in the National Theatre. The city is a strategic river crossing and is connected by rail and road with Vienna, 80 miles (129 km) northwest, and Budapest, 72 miles southeast. Pop. (2011) 129,527; (2017 est.) 129,301. 90009.90000 Top 10 places to visit in Hungary 90001 90002 Top ten places to visit in Hungary 90003 90004 Top 10 places to visit in Hungary. You can imagine how much I love this country. 90005 90004 So let’s see the list. To choose 10 places out of the hundreds is indeed a tough task, but do not take it too seriously, people differ by taste, one like this, other likes that, but we try to list the very best options: 90005 90008 1. Budapest — Top 10 places to visit in Hungary 90009 90004 90011 Budapest is an extremely popular tourist target, it was a 25th most popular city in the whole World two years ago, with 4.3 Million tourists per year. Last year there were 2 million tourists in the first 4 months. 90005 90004 Several huge project is on their way in Budapest, such as the new museum district, the Buda castle bazaar, the Racz baths, the target can be for Budapest to be in the top 20 cities in the world. Why is Budapest so popular? Lots of history, cheap (compare to the competition) and good quality food and drink, beautiful natural surrounding, safe, friendly, romantic, thermal water in abundant measures.90005 90004 General opinion on Foreign forums that Hungarians are very friendly and helpful with tourists and speaks better in English than in other countries in this region. Main attractions: Danube panorama which is a World Heritage site, three Turkish spas, one of the biggest Parliament building as well as the biggest spa in Europe, 90 museums, Margaret island, Buda Castle District on a hill — also listed among the World Heritage sites, Buda hills, Opera House, Synagogue, City park with the Vajdahunyad Castle, Heroes Square, Millennium Underground, Central Market Hall, caves, islands.You can find more detailed information about Budapest here: aboutbudapest.net 90005 90008 2. Lake Balaton cities (Siofok, Tihany, Keszthely, Balatonfüred, Fonyod, Zamardi and many others) 90009 90004 90011 The picture is made from Fonyod to the Badacsony Basalt hills. 90005 90004 The Lake Balaton is an interesting place. First the Holiday season in July — August, this is the time most people come to have a holiday. If we lucky end of June can be warm enough as well. Sometimes very hard to find any accomodation in main season if we do not book in advance, even for Hungarians who knows the secrets of finding places in the last minutes.90005 90004 Even the places not next to Lake can be full. For young people the Lake Balaton can be a strange place, because it is not packed with newest glass buildings, but more of like a green resort area from the 80’s. No petrol driven engine allowed to use on the Lake, the water of the Lake is a drinking quality. You can find anything (main attractions, things to do and see, natural values, hotels, best restaurants, beaches, wineries, thermal spas, shopping, wildlife, castles, settlements) about Lake Balaton at above link.90005 90004 Here the nature is in harmony with people. Unlike lakes of Austria or Switzerland, the Balaton is a quite shallow lake, the average depth is 3m. The area of ​​the Lake is almost 600 km2. The South shore is usually very shallow and has continuous line of beaches all along the shore, it is good for small kids and because in summer it is easily can get warm. 90005 90004 The North shore is more wild, no beaches everywhere, and there are some hills there as well. The upland area is part of the National Park because it has unique natural and landscape values.90005 90004 Tihany is a very nice picturesque place at the shore of Balaton with lots of natural beauties and Historical buildings. Vulcanic structures, beautiful forests, a 1000 year old monastery, nice vineyards can be seen here at the peninsula. 90005 90004 It is recommended to be visited mostly in summertime. Other attractive places in Lake Balaton: Balatonfured, Keszthely, Fonyod, Badacsony, Szigliget, Siofok. 90005 90004 See more about Balaton here: Lake Balaton 90005 90008 3. Thermal baths — The most popular locations are: Heviz, Hajduszoboszlo, Bük, Zalakaros, Sarvar, Gyula 90009 90004 90011 The picture shows the Miskolctapolca cave bath.90011 Most tourist go for thermal baths in Hungary, I mean Hungarian tourists, people from abroad mostly visit Budapest first. There are approximately 200 thermal water baths in Hungary. The majority of them are located in smaller towns in beautiful natural surrounding. There are several in Budapest as well. You can check them in detail (No of pools locations, slides) in the Main menu Spas in Hungary tab. 90005 90008 In Heviz 90009 90004 90011 a unique hot water lake can be found. 90011 Heviz is one of the most known city of Hungary, located not far from Lake Balaton.It has a unique termal lake rich in minerals, its temperature varies among 24 — 38 C making it ideal for winter bathing as well. The 410 liter / second water production enables the thermal water to be changed completely in every 3 days. The city itself is quite clean and organized. Several wellness hotels can be found here. See more about Heviz here 90005 90008 Hajduszoboszlo 90009 90004 is located in East Hungary. In Hajduszoboszlo the biggest Spa complex can be found in Europe. There is an adventure bath, open bath, thermal bath, medical bath here.Otherwise Hajduszoboszlo is a smaller, enjoyable city, near the Hortobagy National Park area. Hajduszoboszlo is one of the top target for local tourists. 90005 90008 4. Lillafured 90009 90004 90011 Admittedly it is one of the most beautiful places in Hungary. Lillafured is quite a small settlement, actually to small to be considered a town. It is near Miskolc, in the Northern part of Hungary. Beautiful hills, lake, caves, waterfalls, rivers, forests can be found here with a 4 * Castle hotel.In fact the Anna stalactite cave is just below the Hotel Palace. The cave entrance is from the garden of the Hotel.Lillafured 90005 90008 5. Sopron — Top 10 places to visit in Hungary 90009 90004 90011 Sopron is a middle sized city in the North West part of Hungary, not far from Lake Ferto (the Lake is situated in both Hungary and Austria) which is a World Heritage Site. It is a beautiful city packed with Museums, Cultural and Natural values. It also has very good restaurants. One can easily spend a pleasant week here.See more about Sopron here: Sopron 90005 90008 6. Eger — Top 10 places to visit in Hungary 90009 90004 90011 Eger is a historical city with famous wine cellars in the Northern hills. Eger has a renown Stronghold where the small Hungarian army stopped the huge Turkish invaders back in the 16th century. It is not a crowded city, has a nice spa and lots of Museums. You have to try the delicious home cooked bakery, «retes» if you come here. Another romantic place worth visiting in the area is Szilvasvarad, just 30 km away from Eger: a lovely little village in the valley of Bukk National Park.read more about Eger here 90005 90008 7. Pecs — Top ten places to visit in Hungary 90009 90004 90011 Pecs is a little bit mediterranean city and has numerous Turkish memorials due to the 150-year Turkish Rule in Hungary. It is situated in the Mecsek hills in the Southern part of Hungary with significant historical and cultural values ​​along with a zoo on the hill. It was chosen as the European Capital of Culture in 2010. Its ancient Christian tombs are a World Heritage site. Pecs Hungary 90005 90008 8.Visegrád and the Danube Bend (other popular cities within easy reach of Budapest are Szentendre and Esztergom) 90009 90004 90011 Many Hungarian kings chose this area as his royal residence. There is a beautiful view from its 333 m high Castle over the Danube river. Though it is a small settlement it has lots of historical values. Simultaneously it has beautiful forests and waterfalls nearby. 90011 See more about Visegrad here: Visegrad 90005 90008 9. Gyor — Top ten places to visit in Hungary 90009 90004 90005 90004 Gyor is a city of waters in the northwest part of the country.Several rivers meet here: the Danube, the Raab and the so called Mosoni Danube. It is also a city of students as it has a university. Nice bridges, great thermal bath and a pleasant city can be found here. It appears that everything is in good balance. I would recommend it to all as it is a very attractive place to visit. 90005 90008 10. Szeged — Top ten places to visit in Hungary 90009 90004 Szeged is a quiet, peaceful city next to River Tisza. The city was flooded and mostly destructed in the 19th century.In the reconstruction the Grand Avenues of the City were named after those cities which had helped in the reconstruction of Szeged. So the parts of the Grand Avenue are called: Berlin, Brussels, London, Moscow, Paris, Rome, Temesvar, Vienna avenues. Szeged is famous for the high quality kayak and canoe courses and its plenty of interesting lakes where thousands of cranes gather in Autumn. The inner city is very nice and the Outdoor Theater has performances during the summer. Szeged has a Pick Salami and the famous Paprika Museum.See more about Szeged here 90005 90004 If I can give one extra cities it would be 90005 90008 Tokaj 90009 90004 90011 See the article about Tokaj here: Tokaj 90005 90008 If it is too complicated I can simplify to eight spots, where to spend a longer holiday 90009 90004 A car would be nice to have for a longer holiday, otherwise it can be little complicated to get out the most from each destinations. 90005 90004 So the locations and what is nearby: 90005 90004 1. Budapest and the Danube bend — Visegrad, Esztergom, Szentendre 90011 2.Lake Balaton Heviz, Tihany, Zalakaros, Siofok, Balatonfured, Zamardi 90011 3. Pecs and the South Transdanubia and the Mecsek hills, Harkany spa, Abaliget cave, lake Orfu and other lakes 90011 4. West Hungary Sopron, Buk, Hegyko, Koszeg, Lake Ferto, Sarvar spa and Castle, Orseg area 90011 5. Eger and the Northern hills, Aggtelek cave, Lillafured, Tokaj, Miskolctapolca cave spa, Matra hills, Egerszalok spa, Boldogko, Fuzer 90011 6. East Hungary — Hajduszoboszlo, Debrecen, Lake Tisza, Hortobagy, Berekfurdo 90011 7.Szeged Gyula spa and Castle Southeast Hungary, Morahalom spa 90005 90004 See also abouthungary.net — 100 Hungarian curiosities 90005 90004 See also abouthungary.net — Spas in Hungary Here is a map about the Spas in Hungary, and several destinations in the sub-menus, where there is a Spa 90005 90004 See also abouthungary.net — Where to go in Hungary Here can be seen several destinations in the sub-menus 90005 90008 Top ten places where there is a spa: 90009 90117 90118 Hévíz 90119 90118 Hajdúszoboszló 90119 90118 Zalakaros 90119 90118 Bük 90119 90118 Gyula 90119 90118 Sárvár 90119 90118 Egerszalók 90119 90118 Harkány 90119 90118 Kehidakustány 90119 90118 Mórahalom 90119 90138 90008 Official statistics 90009 90004 In 2013 44 million people visits Hungary, out of which 97% coming from Europan countries.76% of the visitors come for one day (33 million), 24% for more days (11 million). 85% of the longer visits have exclusively touristic reasons. The number of days of longer visits grows by 3.1% compare to the previous year. The most popular places according to 2013 official statistics: 90005 90143 90144 90145 90004 A. Among foreign tourists 90005 90004 1. Budapest 90011 2. Heviz 90011 3. Buk 90011 4. Sarvar 90011 5. Hajduszoboszlo 90011 6. Balatonfured 90011 7. Siofok 90011 8. Gyor 90011 9.Eger 90011 10. Zalakaros 90005 90159 90160 90145 B. Among local tourists 90004 1. Budapest 90011 2. Hajduszoboszlo 90011 3. Siofok 90011 4. Heviz 90011 5. Zalakaros 90011 6. Gyula 90011 7. Buk 90011 8. Balatonfured 90011 9. Sopron 90011 10. Eger 90005 90159 90174 90004 To Sum it up 1. Budapest 2. Balaton (Heviz, Siofok, Balatonfured) 3. Spa cities (Hajduszoboszlo, Heviz, Buk, Sarvar, Zalakaros, Gyula) 4. Other cities (Eger, Sopron, Gyor although there is a Spa in Eger and Gyor as well, but the tourists not go there primarily for the thermal water).90005 90008 Unesco World Heritage sites in Hungary 90009 90004 8 Unesco World Heritage sites can be found in Hungary, as you can see below. By clicking on the picture you can read the article about the specific site. The Budapest article can be found on another website, the aboutbudapest.net which is all about Budapest (informations, tourist targets, shopping, sports, museums, what to do, where to go, and more). Some of the articles about heritage sites are under process, I hope they will be included soon.90005 90008 Hortobagy plains 90009 90004 The Hortobagy plains located near Debrecen, Hajduszoboszlo area. In South Berekfurdo borders the vast 80,000 hectare grassland. Apart from grasslands, there are several fishing lakes and marshes here as well with abundant wildlife. 90005 90004 Around 250 bird species recorded here, and I guess more than hundred breeding here, like Red-footed falcons, Rollers, Bee-eaters, Pygmy cormorants, White tailed eagles and many more. In Autumn Spring period tens of thousands of Grues spend the winter here in the shallow fishing ponds.90005 90008 Pannonhalma 90009 90004 Pannonhalma is an Unesco World Heritage site since 1995. If you interested about culture or religion it is a very interesting place with fantastic values. 90005 90004 The Archabbey story is started in 996 when Geza settled Czech monks on the small hill of Northern Transdanubia. I Stephen (970-98 BC — 1038 AD) who started to built Hungary, and introduced Christianity also visited the place several times. 90005 90004 Apart from the clerical buildings there is a botanical garden and a winery there as well.90005 90004 Location: Pannonhalma, Vár 1, 9090 90011 Telephone: (96) 570 100 90005 90008 Tokaj wine growing area 90009 90004 Tokaj is located in the North-east part of Hungary. It is most famous about it’s sweet dessert wine called Tokaji Aszu. The area is not huge where it is possible to produce this special drink. The special humid microclimate of the region helps the noble rot to develop this grape, which is unique in the whole world, nowhere apart from Hungary (and some neighboring areas of Slovakia) can this wine be produced.90005 90004 Tokaj is not just attractive about the dessert wine though. The River Tisza, Hungary’s second biggest river joins the picturesque river Bodrog next to the city. Bodrog river is one of the most popular place for river cruises. Both rivers goes through or next to the city. In the river Tisza there is a sandy beach at Tokaj, which is quite pleasant with restaurants and other services in sunny weather. 90005 90008 Budapest 90009 90004 We spoke a little bit about Budapest in the beginning of the article.Budapest is the center of the country and by far the most people live here. Around 1.7 million people live here constantly, 2.5 million with the commuters (only works in the city, or moving in and out). Budapest is loved by many things: the beautiful romantic Danube panorama is certainly one of them. Many people mention the Architecture of the city, many interesting Buildings in different styles, the Castle district with the National Gallery, the Mathias church and the Fishermen’s bastion, the St Stephen cathedral, the Parliament, the Opera, the Szechenyi baths, the West railway station designed by August de Serres and Gustave Eiffel and many new buildings as well.90005 90004 Budapest is formed in 1873 by joining the hilly Buda and the plain Pest. The Danube separates the two parts of the city. There is a city in between as well, even many people live there. Where? Budapest has many island in the Danube, the four most known are the Obudai Sziget (Sziget festival in August, Europe’s most popular festival), the Margaret island, the Csepel island and the Szentendre island. The Obuda island is one of the smallest, the size of the island is about 1km2, the Margaret island is a popular park, recreation area, with a 5.35 km jogging lane around. The Csepel and the Obuda island is the two biggest with an area of ​​257 and 56 km2 respectively. You may wonder how these two islands can have a place in the 525 km2 area of ​​Budapest, or more specifically in the Danube? Both these islands just partly belongs to Budapest, one is at South the other is at North. There are several other settlements on these islands apart from the Budapest area. 90005 90004 Budapest also has many caves the Palvolgyi and the Szemlohegyi caves are the two biggest with several km under the city.Both have a paved lighted visitor area of ​​400m. For adventure seekers there are more adrenaline-calling cave tours as well without lighting or pavement. 90005 90008 Aggtelek caves 90009 90004 The Aggtelek caves can be found in the Northern part of the country. Aggtelek is a very small settlement (with around 600 inhabitants) famous about it’caves. There are many very long caves in this Karts region. The most known and visited is the Baradla cave, which has three estabished entrance by the National park (Aggtelek, Vorosto and Josvafo).It is a stalactite cave with huge formations formed by Millions of years. There are different tours are available the longest is app 10km. The cave has a very good acoustic so sometimes classical music is heared here as well. 90005 90004 Apart from the cave the area has an abundant wildlife sometimes bears and wolves appearing, besided imperial eagles, but not in the cave but in the abandoned areas next to the Slovakian border. There are some nice lakes as well in this part of the country. 90005 90008 Lake Ferto / Neusiedler see 90009 90004 Lake Ferto is located in the Northwest part of the country just next to Austria.The Lake’s bigger area now belongs to Austria. This is a shallow Steppe lake, the one is located in the most Westwards. The area of ​​the Lake is around 309 km2. There are many different datas hovering about it, I think it is the most correct although I not measured myself. The Lake is mostly interesting about it’s nature and wildlife, as it is mostly covered by reeds. On the Austrian side there are more beaches though. Huge space, which is very nice, clean air, and lots of birds. Not everywhere it is possible to reach the water though.In the area the finest Baroque castle of Eszterhazy family the Fertod Castle can be found. There are many more Eszterhazy Castle in Hungary and Austria as well. There is a popular thermal bath in Bukfurdo and Hegyko. Sopron is the city in the region I recommend to visit. It is a very nice place. 90005 90004 The National Park has several locations in the region both in Hungary and Austria as well. One of them in Sarrod near Fertod. 90005 90008 Pecs ancient Critian tombs 90009 90004 Pecs is a little mediterranean little Turkish city in South Transdanubia.It is one of a bigger city in Hungary with it’s 150-170,000 inhabitants. Pecs is located in the Mecsek hills region which is a very nice place. Pecs has a zoo in the Misina hill in the city, and it has a viewpoint as well. There are several very nice lakes here (for example in Orfu) as well in this region. Pecs has the most Turkish heritage sites in Hungary. There is a former Mosque here, and a remains of the former Turkish bath. Pecs also famous about it’s unique Zsolnay porcelain. The Zsolnay well is a must see in the city center which made from this unique Eozin material, and several buildings in Budapest as well, for example the Roof (tiling) of the Museum of Applied arts.In Pecs there are several very nice museums which worth to look at for example the Museum of Csontvary Kosztka Tivadar a very famous Hungarian painter and Victor Vasarely who was born in Pecs and later migrated to France. He is making very interesting paintings of geometrical forms, called op-art. 90005 90008 Holloko old village 90009 90004 Holloko is a small village and the only Unesco World Heritage site of it’s kind. Holloko is located in the Northern hills in Hungary. Holloko is famous about the traditional old Houses of the older part of the village, in Kossuth and Petofi streets.It is a Unesco site because the village kepth the lifestyle of the 17-18th century very well. It is a one main road type village, there is a one main road and the streets are starting from that road. There is a small Castle at the end of the village as well. The biggest event is the Eastern here when traditinally boys pour buckets of water on girls for fun in the morning. (More fun for the boys I think) 90005 90002 Top ten places for nature lovers in Hungary 90003 90004 Despite no huge mountains here, Hungary is incredible rich in natural values.There are many beautiful places here with plentiful wildlife. 90005 90008 1. Hortobagy plains 90009 90004 90011 The Hortobagy plains is a huge plain area in Hungary, belongs to the Hortobagy National park, established in 1973. The area is app. 80,000 hectare. There are some fishing lakes at the area, where many rare species can be found, mostly birds. There are hardly any average sized settlements there, only small villages, and the center is a small place also called Hortobagy. There is a visitor center here for tourists, a unique bird hospital, a pastoral museum, wildlife park, fair in the city, and several other attractions mainly for tourists.There are also huge fishing lakes there for plentiful wildlife. There is a small train as well goes along the shore. There are many birdwatching towers along the Lake shore. Once a year they drain off the water from the Lakes, as there are several of them there. 90011 Hortobagy 90005 90008 2. Lake Tisza 90009 90004 90011 The Lake Tisza is a wonderful place for nature lovers. 90005 90004 It is not really one Lake, but more lakes, channels, the main riverbed, backwaters, islands together. The total area of ​​the water covered surface is 127 km2.90005 90004 The best place to start is an organized canoe tour, which starts at Poroszlo, or Tiszafüred Tiszaörvény. During the tour, it is possible to see the different locations, and plentiful wildlife of the man made reservoir. read more about Lake Tisza here 90005 90008 3. Salty lakes of Kiskunsag area 90009 90004 90011 The Kiskunsag area can be found between the River Tisza and River Danube. It is mostly sand covered area. The shallow salty lakes, and sand dunes has many rare birds, and other animals as well but in hot summers sometimes the lakes get dry.Most of the area belongs to Kiskunsag National Park.read more about Kiskunsag here 90005 90008 4. Gemenc forest 90009 90004 90011 The Gemenc forest is a huge flood forest at South Hungary on River Danube. It is the biggest in Europe as well of it’s kind. The forest continuing in Croatia as well. 90005 90004 The forest has unique wildlife with lots of rare species, like White tailed eagles, Black storks, Wild cats and many others. A train goes through the forests, but for wildlife photographers needs to look elsewhere for beautiful images.There are fantastic places are there, including islands, wooden houses on the water, beautiful backwaters. 90005 90008 5. Forests of Somogy county 90009 90004 The Somogy county can be found under the Lake Balaton till the country border. Most of the area covered with dense forests. There are many interesting places there with abundant wildlife. 90005 90008 6. Forests of Bakony hills 90009 90004 90011 The Bakony hills can be found in the Middle of Transdanubia, North from Lake Balaton. The most interesting areas can be found in Csesznek, Fenyofo, Bakonybel area.Lots of wildlife there in the green environment. The valley of Cuha spring is beautiful here, a small train also goes there. 90005 90008 7. River Bodrog 90009 90004 90011 The River Bodrog which joins the river Tisza at Tokaj, is one of the most beautiful place in Hungary, one of the most popular place for canoe tours. Canoes can be rented at Tokaj, next to the river. 90005 90008 8. River Drava 90009 90004 90011 The River Drava is the border river at South between Hungary and Croatia. This is a dangerous river, only can use a boat with a special permits, which needs to apply for in advance.Next to the river huge forests can be found, with abundant wildlife. 90005 90004 It is a real nature here once we went in the forest and almost can not get out of it. The forest along the river is quite long. 90005 90008 9. Northern hills 90009 90004 The Northern hills has relatively huge area in Hungary, started the North Middle part of Transdanubia till the Eastern part of the country. The most abandoned places are in the Eastern region. 90005 90008 10. Lake Ferto 90009 90004 The Lake Ferto can be found at the Austrian border.In fact majority of the Lake’s area now at the Austrian area. The Lake Ferto area is a Unesco World Heritage site. The area has a very nice atmosphere, and the shallow lake and the neighboring areas has an abundant wildlife. 90005 90008 Biggest cities in Hungary / Main cities in Hungary 90009 90004 These are the biggest cities in Hungary but not necessary the ones that attract most tourists. 90005 90296 1. Budapest 90297 90004 Budapest has 1.7 million inhabitants. About Budapest I listed the information at the top of this page regarding tourist points of interest.It is a romantic city with great food, if you want it can be cheap, but if you do not care can be very expensive as well. 90005 90296 2. Debrecen 90297 90004 Debrecen has little bit more than 200,000 inhabitants. Debrecen is also called the Calvinist Rome. In size Debrecen is a lot smaller than Budapest, this is especially noticeable in night life. The streets gets empty around 9 pm if there is no festival there. Debrecen is situated in the Great Plain at East part of Hungary, near the Hortobagy plains.Debrecen is close to Hajduszoboszlo, where you can find the biggest bath complex in Europe. There is a bath in Debrecen as well, called Mediterranean bath. The bath is in the «Big forest» area of ​​Debrecen. Here there is a new modern Soccer stadion and a Zoo as well. Debrencen is a university town with more faculties. Debrecen is situated in a completely plain area. The main event is the Flower carneval here, usually around 20th of August, where they put millions of flowers on carriages. Theses carriages after going on the Main street of the city.90005 90296 3. Miskolc 90297 90004 Miskolc was a traditional city of heavy industry (not anymore). Miskolc can be found in the Northern hills area of ​​Hungary. Miskolc not the most attracting place in Hungary regarding tourism but there are some top targets around like Lillafured and Miskolctapolca. The inner city of Miskolc which is recommended to visit is relatively small compare to the city size. There is a huge Castle also there, and a Zoo just in front of Lillafured in natural environment.In Miskolctapolca a unique cave spa can be found. In Aggtelek one of Europe’s biggest cave system can be found, a Unesco World Heritage site see above in detail. Miskolc landscape is dominated with socialist block houses and beautiful surrounding hills area. 90011 Miskolc and Szeged perhaps can be in other direction regarding population size, which is bigger at the moment. 90011 Miskolc has around 160,000 inhabitants 90005 90296 4. Szeged 90297 90004 Szeged can be found in South, just next to River Tisza, the second biggest river in Hungary.The river Tisza is crosses the City. Szeged is famous about it’s paprika, which is a trademark of the Hungarian cuisine. In the last century the river flooded almost all Szeged. Szeged also has a new Thermal baths, and a very nice international Kayak Canoe track. In Hungary the number of sunshiny hours here is the highest. North from Szeged interesting fishing lakes can be found with plentiful wildlife. Szeged is also a university town, with a nice botanical garden, and one of the best zoo in Hungary.The inner city is also quite enjoyable with nice huge trees and beautiful buildings. Szeged also has around 160,000 inhabitants. 90005 90296 5. Pécs 90297 90004 Pécs has around 150,000 inhabitants. Pecs is situated in the South part of the Western part of the country in the Mecsek hills area. Pecs is a little mediterranean city of Hungary. The most Turkish heritage can be found in Pecs with lots of Museums, and a unique Unesco World Heritage site of Ancient christian Tombs. There are lots of very nice natural areas around Pecs, several lakes and caves, nice forests and hills.90005 90296 6. Győr 90297 90004 Győr has around 120,000 inhabitants. Gyor has a nice Thermal baths, a nice city center, and University district. Several rivers joins in Gyor. The famous Audi car factory is also can be found here. All Audi engines produced here. 90005 90296 7. Nyíregyháza 90297 90004 Nyíregyháza is located at East Hungary, South from Tokaj, not so far from Debrecen. A Nice Themal bath and a nice Zoo can be found here. Nyíregyháza has around 120,000 inhabitants. 90005 90296 8.Kecskemét 90297 90004 Kecskemét has 112,000 inhabitants, and can be found in the Kiskunsag sandy area between Hungary’s two biggest rivers. In Kecskemet a photography museum can be found, a newly built spa, and the new Mercedes factory is also built here. Kecskemet is relatively close to Budapest app 60km is South-East direction. 90005 90296 9. Székesfehérvár 90297 90004 Székesfehérvár has around 100,000 inhabitants. Szekesfehervar is located on the way between Lake Velence and the Lake Balaton in Southwest direction from Budapest.The distance between Budapest and Szekesfehervar is 70 km. In the past Kings was crowned here. Szekesfehervar has lots of museums, a unique Castle made by an Architect and Scultor Jeno Bory, several nice buildings, a village museum. 90005 90296 10. Szombathely 90297 90004 Szombathely has around 78,000 inhabitants. Szombathely is most famous about it’s Roman era Ruins. Szombathely was called Savaria at that times. Szombathely is located near to the Austrian border. Szombathely has a very nice botanical garden called Kamon arboretum on the Gyongyos spring.90005 .

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